F.A.Q.: frequently asked questions

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What is the meaning of "libido ecology"?

The aim of the introduction of this concept is to establish a link between on the one hand political psychoanalysis, in particular such as is implemented in the theories of Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse (current called "Freudo-Marxist") and on the other hand the ecologist, sociological and economic (critical of the growth) thoughts resulting from the Seventies and included in the contemporary movement called "alter-globalization".

It is an ecology because it puts a stress on continuity and the interdependence between the human being and the other living or not living systems. There is libido because universal life energy, corresponds  to sexual energy (or libido) in mankind.

To discover more, go around our site!

What's political psychoanalysis?

It is the application of psychoanalysis to the analysis of society. Indeed the social relations and the model of society result from the psychism of the individuals who belong to this society. Those in return are shaped and "conditioned" by the dominating social model.

If individual therapy can hope to relieve some patients, only a global psychoanalytical approach of society can give the hope to correct the evils from which almost everybody suffers.

If you're interested, we recommend you the following book:
The political psychoanalysis, by Roger Dadoun, P.U.F., Paris, 1995.
See also a selection of authors and links.

Who is Wilhelm Reich?

Reich (1897-1957) was a German psychoanalyst. Disciple of Freud, he developed in the Thirties "the character analysis" and clarified "the function of the orgasm". Very quickly it could draw the political conclusions that the discoveries of psychoanalysis implied (see sexual repression, exploitation and Fascism). He proposed an explanation for the transformation of a community system to the capitalist system ("the irruption of sexual morals") and tried to diffuse its ideas (synthesized in "the sexual revolution") to the masses ("the sexual fight of the young") particularly within the Communist Party, from which he was excluded (just as he was excluded from the international association of psychoanalysis) for his ideas appeared so subversive.
Forced to the exile by the arrival of the Nazis to power, he eventually settled in the United States. He explained the success of the Nazis and the failure of the German Communist Party ("mass-psychology of Fascism", that he describes as an "emotional plague") as well as the failure of the Bolshevik revolution (addition to "the sexual revolution"). It delivered a vigorous pamphlet on the contemporary society ("Listen, little man!") and continued his work on universal life energy (which he baptized "orgon"), trying to apply his discoveries to the cure of cancer and the control of some weather phenomenon.
Arrested by the Food & Drug Administration because of his nonconformist activities, he died in prison in suspect circumstances and his books were burned!

A film evokes the character and the work of Wilhelm Reich:
W.R. mysteries of the organism, by Dusan Makavejev, 1971.

To discover the work of Reich, we recommend the following book to you:
Hundred flowers for Wilhelm Reich, by Roger Dadoun, Payot, Paris, 1975.

Some of the major works of Wilhelm Reich:

What's neurosis?

Neurosis is a mental disease which results from traumas and from repression (of the emotions, the feelings, the expression, of sexuality) undergone in childhood which are driven back and internalized.

The symptoms are as much psychological as physical  (various phobias, stammering, hysteria, timidity, instability, depression, chronic tiredness, chronic cold, belly-ache, muscular rigidity...)
The neurosis is generally accompanied by difficulties of communication and irrational behaviors creating conflicts in particular within the families and within the professional framework, and more generally in the operation of the society and can therefore be considered as a social plague.

In our society, there is hardly any individual who is not affected by neurosis to some degree. This disease affects all social classes.

What's sexual repression?

This term covers any mean of devaluing sexuality, whether it be brutal (for example the threat addressed to the little child surprised while masturbating: "if you do it again I will cut it from you!") or more subtle, veiling itself behind the terms of "modesty" or "decency".
It is the same for any valorization of the sexual abstinence or of virginity.
It can be exerted by simply maintaining the mystery around the sexual activities (topic either taboo or restrained to the adults, stories of child born in cabbages or brought by storks, allusive language...) as well as by denying the existence of infantile sexuality.

This repression can also take the form of a more general devaluing of the body, considered "dirty", "impure", "coarse", by opposition to a spirit, a "soul" considered to be of higher value. Sexuality is then lowered to "the satisfaction of instincts or coarse material needs".

It is one of the basic causes of neuroses, particularly when it strikes the young children.

"Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth, but it's usually too battered with rules to be heard. We cripple ourselves with lies. Most people have no idea of what they're missing, our society places a supreme value on control, on hiding what you feel. It mocks primitive culture and prides itself on the suppression of natural instincts and impulses." Jim Morrison.

"The anti-pleasure raising starts with childhood, works of parents and teachers, it is based on the reward-punishment system [... ] During childhood our various impulses sought to be carried out, our multiple emotions to be expressed. Each time they displeased the adults, they were repressed. Out of fear the child retained his desires, turn back his wishes, choked his joys, held in his angers, hid his sadnesses and his fears. He gave up acting openly, expressing himself, asking questions. In its body, thousands of blocked impulses, thousands of withheld gestures accumulated [... ] The frustrations, inhibitions and culpabilisations of childhood structure and make sore our body for the remainder of our lives." Doctor Leleu.

What's sexual, libido or life energy?

Many thinkers and in particular Far-Eastern philosophies admit the existence of an energy present in any living body and which circulates there. This energy is in particular the object of acupuncture.
Subjected to a magnetic field, any living body emits a radiation which can be photographed. This phenomenon is known as the "Kirlian effect". This radiation changes intensity depending on the physical and psychic state of the person. According to some interpretations it could be a manifestation of life energy.
This vital energy can, according to Buddhists, be in various states and circulate between various centers of energy (called "Shakras") spread out between the brain and the genitals. It is also along this longitudinal axis that Wilhelm Reich sees the circulation of the sexual energy (named "libido" by Freud), which is dissipated, by an healthy individual, by the orgasm.
This energy can also be exchanged between people or living beings. As an example, the potentialities of healers (or "bonesetter") able to help the healing of wounds by laying their hands on it are widely documented.

These energy aspects of life have been completely ignored by Western science and the practices which refers to it, often included within shamanist or animist rituals, were fought against by obscurantist missionaries. This explains the poor development of knowledge in this field.

What relationship with cancer?

At present, in our society, one person out of three will at least develop one cancer during his life!
This disease is called a "biopathy": a disordered state of the vital process.

In addition to the absorption of carcinogenic products (in exponential increase in our environment), this disease, closely related to our way of life, can also have a psychic origin.
According to Reich, neurotic obstacles (character armors) opposing the free circulation of life energy, can lead to cancer, because of an abnormal accumulation of this energy. A famous case is the one of the Swiss writer Fritz Zorn, deceased of a cancer of the throat for lack of having the possibility to express himself within his family. He exposed his case in its major work: "Mars".

What's a holistic approach?

It is an approach which considers its object as a whole. It is the opposite of an approach which would aim at studying each element of the system piece by piece.
In medicine, it consists in considering the sick individual in his entirety and not to be interested only in such or such organ carrying a symptom. 
By recognizing the interdependence (even the unity) between body and spirit, the holistic approach  makes it in particular possible to take into account the psychic factors in the development and the evolution of pathologies.
One will also speak about a "systemic" approach, i.e. which studies the individual like a system in itself.

What are the medical approaches for the cure of neuroses?

It is the aim of psychoanalysis to treat the neuroses by seeking its causes inside the unconscious of the patient. In particular it tries to recall to the conscience traumas or repression undergone in childhood and since then driven back.

Because of the interrelationships between the body and psychism, the neuroses can also be treated by approaches centered on the body and its armors (Reichian massage, anti-gymnastics...)

The approaches known as "psychotherapies" or behavioral therapies (gestalt, transactional analyzes...) focus more on allowing the patient to improve his behaviors and to better adapt himself to social life rather than on in depths treatment of neuroses.

Isn't there already sex education at school?

At school, the teenagers benefit from courses of genital anatomy, directed towards the function of reproduction and from information on contraceptive methods . This could hardly be considered as sex education.

Sexuality constitutes one of the major elements of human life. This can't be seriously dealt at school in a few hours, at the margin. Sex education should be present throughout the schooling as well as the other essential disciplines, and be adapted to each age of the pupil. Do not forget that sexual repression is also exerted by keeping silence around sexuality, which is a way to denying the very existence of it, in particular when it concerns the young children.
An education to sexuality (and in a broader sense to sensuality and pleasure) can be acquired apart from the school. However, taking into account the disparities of the social, cultural and family backgrounds from where the children come, the school must here also fully play its civic role consisting in giving the possibility for all children to reach the same level of knowledge and capacities.

Sex education must consist not only in a contribution to theoretical knowledge (anatomical but also on the functions of the body and psychism in connection with sexuality (the "function of the orgasm") but also in an awakening to the sensuality and in a discovery of the gestures of love-making.
For this is not innate: indeed many men and women are awkward in their sexual and emotional intercourse throughout their life, without sometimes even being able to learn from partners quite as awkward as them.

How can our school education have a negative effect?

The effect of school education, such as it is practiced in our society, is to develop the child in an unbalanced way by excessively privileging the intellectual reasoning (the noblest topic being mathematics) while the activities aimed at awakening creativity and the senses (music, drawing, manual work) and physical education are the least valued courses.

In addition, the "one way" mode of teaching where the teacher delivers knowledge to the child, who may only raise a question about what is begin taught or answer a question asked by the teacher and has nothing to say about contents of the course, does not obviously encourages the autonomy and the development of the personality, nor does it raises the interest of the child for the course.
In addition the selective and competitive system, while it may create emulation, also results in excluding the children who are less adapted to the methods and contents of the lessons. For these children humiliation and frustration are part of the daily bread.
While other methods of schooling (e.g. Summerhill) or teaching (Freinet method, Montessori... see a selection of links) giving to the child more autonomy and possibilities to express his creativity exists, they remain marginal and are not integrated into the public education.

The first objective of the public school is to train citizens in full possession of their means. Yet we witness worrying drifts which are on the one hand the introduction of racist and religious cleavages which threatens secularity and on the other hand an attempt made by the merchants to take over the schools  through the introduction of advertisement and by the introduction of early specialization aimed at supplying the companies with an undereducated work-force.

Isn't the body highly valued in our society?

In fact, in our society the body is widely present: advertising misuses stripped bodies (they are seldom completely naked however or only in a de-sexualized presentation), pornography is widely spread and made common, women magazines (and now men) abound in recipes for "health-beauty-fitness" transforming the body into an object of obsessed care.

One easily perceives the common points to all these types of representations of the body. First of all the body is generally considered only in its appearance. The body is always used for a commercial aim (to input libido into consumer goods, to sell products, care, surgical operations perfectly superfluous). It is an objectified body, which has to be made "perfect" including with the use of mutilations (surgery, prostheses...). Far from being valued, the body is not accepted the way it is since it must be transformed (in perfect consumerist logic). Eventually sexuality is reduced by pornography to a mechanical act "disencumbered" of any desire.

The body, accepted such as it is, naked without fancy artifices, not in an esthetic nor medical presentation, invested by sex and desire, remains a subversive element.

"Thirty years of wearing bikinis did not erase two millenia of Judeo-Christian culture. And this overflow of flesh isn't more a sign of liberation than is the accession to credit. It is, on the contrary, the parapraxis by which we hopelessly try to renew contact with this body that we flee." Marie-Lise Labonté , psychotherapist.

Didn't the sexual revolution already take place?

The fights of the Seventies certainly did bring substantial advances (the "sexual liberation", steps towards the recognition of the equality of rights for women and sexual minorities, contraception, abortion...) nevertheless there is still a long way to go.
The evidence is in the survival (meaning that there is still a need) of prostitution and pornography. Thus revealing a sexual frustration still widely spread as well as a consumerist drift of sexuality. One will also note the persistence of machism, vulgarity and homophobia which testify that patriarchal obscurantism is still deeply rooted. Notwithstanding sexual abuses.
Also revealing is the amalgam which is being made between pedophilia and rape, and the atmosphere of near hysteria which prevails today around this issue (recent examples: the prohibition of the movie "the Drum" in some states of the United States or the denial of a famous French leader of the May 1968 movement who had evoked sexual requests made by children towards him, as an adult). There remains unquestionably in our society a true taboo over the sexuality of children.

Lastly the few advances which were referred to are far from being conquered in many countries of the world.

Below: let's compare, from our point of view, Michelangelo's painting of the roof of the Sixtine chapel (1512) and this French poster for a Hollywood movie of 2003. Edifying, isn't it ?

                        BEFORE                                           AFTER

Where is the relationship with capitalism?

Capitalism is a mode of production (and thus of organizing the society) in which the means of production are within the hands of a minority (the "capitalists") while the majority of the work-force (the "proletarians") are employed and remunerated by this minority. The capitalists make profit out of the activity of the proletarians by under-remunerating them.
This mechanism allows an accumulation of wealth on the detriments of the workers. However the workers are invited to always consume more goods and services so that the activity of production can continue to increase ("growth"). This consumption can be maintained thanks to credit, a judicious mechanism which makes it possible to collect the future incomes of the indebted consumer.

Capitalism, a system based on the exploitation of man by man, can be maintained only thanks to the consent of precisely those which are its victims. That's what one names, after Etienne de La Boétie, "voluntary servitude". Obtaining this consent, passivity or resignation, is the task devoted to the various kinds of "opium of the people". This task is all the more easy as the individuals are less fit for autonomy. Yet one of the basic effects of sexual repression is precisely to produce individuals poorly able to freedom, needing to be taken care of, easily manipulated.

Where is the relationship with Fascism?

Fascism is a demagogic ideology, including mystical ideas (e.g. racism) which gains the adhesion of neurotic masses. It collects the power of a libido diverted from its object (sexuality) by the obstacles internalized by the individual. Its violent and irrational aspects correspond to the impulses imprisoned within the character armor of the neurotic individual. In addition the repressed individual has a tendency turn towards a leader (a "Führer") incarnation of the paternal authority, whom it will follow blindly.

Fortunately all the neurotic individuals are not carried towards Fascism. As for the symptoms, the tendencies developed by the neurotic individuals are quite varied.

However, sexual repression being the main source of energy which feeds the fascistic impulses, and this repression being the condition of the maintenance of the voluntary yielding necessary to capitalism, it is illusory to believe that one can erase Fascism within the capitalist society. Fascism is in fact a by-product of capitalism.

Where is the relationship with mysticism?

"Religion is the universal obsessional neurosis of humanity." Sigmund Freud.

Mysticism is one of the ways which libido can take when it is diverted from sexuality. It is not by chance that the mystics precisely assert sexual abstinence. It is not by chance that one speaks about "mystical ecstasy" (see illustration opposite). It has even sometimes been observed that emissions of sperm accompany "mystical crises".

In addition sexual repression has always been the goodwill of monotheist religions . The churches stand as guardians of the (anti-sexual) morals. One of the tools used for this action being, for the Catholics, the confession, less used to collect secrets than to make the believers feel guilty: « my child, haven't you devoted yourself to "impure contacts"? ». Through constantly imposing the feeling of guilt of the "sinners" the churches equipped themselves with a remarkable tool for control and suppression of the individuals, thus maintaining the "voluntary yielding".

The Saint-Teresa ecstasy, sculpture of Bernini
The Saint-Teresa ecstasy, sculpture of Bernini
The temptation of Saint-Anthony, by Félicien Rops
The temptation of Saint-Anthony, by Félicien Rops.
It is thus not by chance that sexuality is the major obsession of the fundamentalist preachers, whether they are Jewish, Christian or Moslem. Nothing is more unbearable for them than what extends sexuality beyond the simple function of reproduction (e.g. contraception, bi or homosexuality...).
It is not by chance that the reactionaries ideologists have sanctified the family (naturally patriarchal and heterosexual), basic stone of the capitalist society, best fitted place for the reproduction of the neurosis.

Here is what Sigmund Freud writes in connection with the opposite work of art:
"The engraver chose the exemplary case of repression in the life of the saints and the penitents. [... ] Other painters, whose psychological penetration was lesser, placed, in similar representations of temptation, the insolent and triumphing sin somewhere beside the crucified Saviour. Only Rops made him take the place of the Saviour himself on the cross; he appears to have known that the driven back impulses, at the time of their return, emerge from the driving back medium itself ..." 

Where is the relationship with the alter-globalization movement?

Libido ecology intends to be a theoretical framework about an in-depth (radical) change of the society. A change aimed at the liberation and the blooming of all the individuals in a preserved environment, as well as at the limitation of irrational behaviours generating hatred and violence.

Today only the alter-globalization movement (with his wide diversity, sometimes carrying contradictory interests and visions) is carrying such a project of renewal of the society. It is thus in its bosom that our association must bring its views, the more so as few efforts are being done to analyze the major roots of the contemporary social structure.

There are numerous associations which fight locally, day after day, to defend the rights and the dignity of those who are left aside by our society; associations which fight for equality between the people or peace around the world; trade unions which defend the rights of the workers and the social rights.
Indeed most of the mobilized forces are trying hard to stop the advance of the new-liberal crushing roller and to limit its disastrous effects. This unequal combat is only meaningfull if it is understood as a delaying action intended to prepare a decisive counter-attack.
Pursuing this goal, alike Delilah cutting the hair of the invincible Samson (illustration opposite), the libido ecology proposes to dry up the source the energy which feeds this suicidal system: sexual repression.
Samson and Delilah, by Peter Paul Rubens
Samson and Delilah, by Peter Paul Rubens

See also the communication published on the occasion of the European Social Forum 2003.

Where is the relationship with ecology?

Ecology is the study of the natural systems apprehended in their total operation and in their interactions. This discipline can be considered holistic.
The study of the energy interactions between living organisms (or non-living mediums) is part of the ecology. Moreover our approach stresses the interdependence between the human being and its natural environment and tends to restore a form of continuity between the two.

Where is the relationship with the indigenous society and shamanism?

The practice of the shaman is centered on the emotions coming from the senses. It consists in collecting energies which circulate in the universe between the living beings.

"Emotion is the supra-intelligence, located not above the brain but above the body" says Luis Ansa.

The indigenous societies which were not influenced by the missionaries (either monotheists or Stalinists!) have an animist spirituality based on shamanism. These societies have a close relationship with their natural environment which they use in a nondestructive way. The knowledge and the practices of these people should be a source of inspiration for our ecologists researches as well as for our search of "other possible worlds", as alternates to the prospects of the liberal "single thought". 

The progressive degradation of their condition with respect to their proximity to "civilization" is very clear. It starts with the wearing of panties... (the first accessory with which the missionaries equip them!) and generally ends up in a great forfeiture (alcoholism, family violence, prostitution...). The seizing evolution which strikes these societies at the contact of our model of civilization should help us to become aware of our own degree of alienation.

Here is the comment Tawapuh (Indian from Xingu, a relatively preserved area of Amazonia) made on his return from a visit to a Brazilian metropolis, addressed to the anthropologist Villas Boas: "How could you return to this world after seeing how we live? [... ] Why would you want to have intercourse with these women who seem afraid to be woman and hide themselves and cover their eyes?"

Where is the relationship with Far-Eastern philosophies and therapies?

The concept of life energy, circulating in the body and meeting various states is familiar to many Eastern approaches, in particular the Buddhist philosophy and Tantrism. It is also the base of the therapeutic practice of acupuncture.

High relief of the temple of Lakshmana, in India.
High relief of the temple of Lakshmana, in India

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International Movement for a Libido Ecology (M.I.E.L.) - ecologielibidinale.org - Lastest update 23.02.2018