
International Movement for a Libido Ecology (I.M.L.E. / M.I.E.L.)

Summary minutes of our workshop at the European Social Forum 

Can a healthy model of society emerge from a society almost entirely made of neurotic individuals ?

Main topics:

It is specified at the beginning that association M.I.E.L. has been just created and that its future will depend on the implication of new people moved by the problems which it proposes.

A fast presentation of the course of the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich as of the elements of sound?uvre which clarify the problems of the workshop is made by the president of the M.I.E.L. (for these elements we return you to our Internet site)

Discusses between the participants in the workshop:

Elements illustrating the of libido fascination exerted by Hitler on its audiences are brought, coming to reinforce the idea according to which the of libido energy, diverted of its object first by sexual repression, can be invested in fascistic behaviors and cause the adhesion of the masses to a leader. The Nazis knew to benefit from these characteristics contrary to the other political forces of the time.

One of the mechanisms of installation of the neurosis in the young child is exposed: vis-a-vis with his request for love and tenderness, the little child who does not receive sufficient attention in return becomes hardened (construction of a "armour") and drives back his emotions. This car-repression of the body and the emotions perdure then. The consequences will be the nevrotic features of character such as jealousy, desire of possession (of money, of goods or people), desire of being able and domination... Moreover repression of its sexuality (direct or insidious) which takes place at the time when this one structure (mainly between 3 and 5 years) will make the person less suited to autonomy and more carried to the irrational behaviors and ideas.

At the individual neurotic,of libido energy can be sometimes focused entirely in a direction, thus giving geniuses and large mystics. The question of knowing if this "sublimation" of sexual energy is necessary to artistic creation is raised. Against example is brought.
The question to know if a certain level of sexual repression is necessary and where the cursor would be located is put. The degree of repression is such in our company that it appears impossible, while working with the reduction in this repression, to be likely to approach such a limit.

From the example of the refuses, one notices that the militants alter-mondialists are not always in agreement in their practices with the ideas that they defend. In addition the relational plays within the militant organizations are similar with those which one finds in the company.

Participants point out that the design of a sexual energy (libido) which circulates in the body and must be dissipated by the orgasm is shared by Tantrisme. The tantric practice would be a way of approaching the "naturalness". It implies however a preparation with the sex act.
The behaviors of seduction in the mankind (the " dredger ") do not have anything natural. They are on the contrary complex and, because of our neuroses, loans of difficulties. It is referred to the "mimetic desire", which was conceptualized by Rene Girard.

The question ofthe animality is tackled. Violences of which are able the human beings, for example in the war crimes (collective rapes, massacres...) correspond to the expression of perverse nevrotic impulses since the situation involves the disappearance of varnish of sociability.
In addition one finds in the sexual behaviors of the animals all the possible situations (of the strict monogamy to the relationship with multiple partners).

The design ofthe love according to W.Reich corresponds to an energy exchange. It is what allows the opening of oneself at the same time as the opening of the other. It is to let be different "the Peut one to be freer in the moment of the intimacy in love does not conceive itself without the creation of a bond between the partners" To like? One is certainly withdrawn there from the repression and the judgements of the others. However this moment will be accompanied by the repression of the sexuality interiorized by the individual.

The individual steps ofemancipation (by a form of work on oneself or a therapy) can it make evolve/move the things on the social standing, according to principles' of the water drops which are added?De all ways the evolution could only be progressive, during generations.

It is also proposed like collective step the implication in a Community life, which could have value of experimentation and example.

It is proposed to center the action on the young children (preventive action). However that necessarily means to have an action towards the parents.

It is also noticed that the word psychosis appears more and more in the media and that the number of suicide attempts is in rise constant. The answer commonly offered by our company is limited to prescribe drugs for the greatest profit of the pharmaceutical firms.

It is to be noticed that in the nonWestern companies, which do not escape from the neuroses, those are described by other concepts (possession by spirits for example).

In our company we are confronted as much with emotional misery than with sexual misery.

PROPOSALS for the action of association:
To denounce the factors, ideas and behaviors nevrogenes. To help the individuals to become aware of their situation without however making them feel guilty.

A first track of action suggested would be to start by being interested in the behaviors of the militants and transmitting our message in these mediums.

An offer at summer utilized with the M.I.E.L. in the emission of Laurent Ruquier "one very tested" on France2. The opinions are divided. (the offer will be declined).

A mailing-list will gather the participants of the workshop who wish it in order to allow to continue the joint reflexion, in particular to define concrete actions.

The workshop lasted three hours.

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International Movement for a Libido Ecology (M.I.E.L.) - ecologielibidinale.org - Lastest update 23.02.2018