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Cultural and sociological movements

Hippie culture : "make love, not war"

The Hippy movement and beyond it the counter-culture born in the United States in the middle of the Sixties questioned in a radical way the values of the patriarchal and capitalist middle-class society. In the field of art as well as in the fields of the individual, social and political life. Particularly by seeking individual blooming, by practicing hedonism and detachment towards tangible properties, as well as non-violence.

 Hippyland: home of the Hippies Site dedicated to the hippie culture
Hippies from A to Z by Skip Stone On line book about the hippie culture
The Digger's archive Site dedicated to the Digger movement, an attempt to organize life without money
Yippie (Youth International Party) Page dedicated to the short-lived "Youth International Party", the "political branch" of the Hippy movement

The spirit of May 68: "it is forbidden to forbid"

The movements of spring 1968 mark the advent of a new social class: youth. Although it will quickly become a market segment, it is notable that some of the most important organizations for the defense of the human rights will be treading on the hells of the 68's movements (Amnesty, Survival, Greenpeace, the Women's lib...). The spirit of May 68 symbolizes the rebellion against patriarchal authority and the yoke of Puritanism.

 A presentation of the  Situationist International In phase with this movement, the situationist thinking (and its famous slogans such as: "To enjoy without hindrance, to live without idle periods") brought a renewed critical vision of the society
The Situationist International (Wikipedia)  same as above
May 68 seen by... the anarchistic federation  

Libertarian thought: "neither god, nor Master"

The libertarian anarchistic theory places freedom and individual autonomy in the center of its project. The organization, from the base, of the individuals enables them to do without a power imposed by the top: that's self-management.

"I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them ; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom." Noam Chomsky.

This social organization has known rare beginnings of implementation (in Paris in 1871, in Ukraine about 1918, in Spain in 1936) which were all violently suppressed by the holders of the authority (either bourgeois or communist).

 The works of  D.A.F. de  Sade One will find a precursory text of the libertarian thought : "Frenchmen still an effort if you want  to be republican" in the philosophy in the boudoir (1795), book in which the author does a work of moralist, systematically calling into question the moral bases of the Western society
International Workers' Association International anarcho-syndicalism The Pierre J.Proudhon memorial computer Gate of anarchy in the United States
The Noam Chomsky Archive Site devoted to one of the most important contemporary intellectuals , fine analyst of the systems of domination and of the media

Feminist and homosexual movements

Whereas the feminist movement draws its roots in the organizations of the suffragettes, born from the first and then the second world war, it is at the beginning of the Seventies that feminist movements (e.g.: the Women's liberation front) carried their combat on the field of sexuality, directly facing the patriarchate and opening the way to the sexual liberation. Movements for the defense of the rights of the homosexuals were born at the same time in reaction against centuries of discriminations.

 Association Files of Feminism History of the feminist movement
International Gay... Pride  

Indigenous people and shamanism

Exterminated, deprived of their lands, of their culture or still resisting on territories being constantly reduced, the indigenous people (Indians of the Americas, Bushmen of the Kalahari desert, Aboriginals of Australia, Papua of New Guinea, people of Siberia...) started to organize themselves on the international level from the Seventies on to defend their rights and their cultures against the states which colonize them and against the agricultural , wood-cutting and mining multinationals.
What's the relationship with libido ecology? Find the answer in the FAQ.

 American Indian Movement Activist organization of the Indians of the United States
Ya basta! Site of the EZLN (Zapatista National Liberation  Army , of the Indians from Chiapas)
The ecologist speech of the Indian chief Seattle (1854) The 1887 version: or
The 1970 version: or
a comparison of the two versions: or
the point of view of the government archives of the United States:  
This famous speech exists primarily in two versions (each having still a number of alternatives!), one published by the press in 1887 and the other, more widely spread, rewritten in the Seventies by Perry, a scenario writer, from an alleged letter by Seattle
Indigenous peoples and globalization IFG  
People from the primary forests  

Links towards associations supporting the indigenous people.


Political ecology is also born at the beginning of the Seventies. One of its first spokesman was René Dumont, who kept on warning against the latent and generalized famine situation that we know today.
At the same time the work of the club of Rome already pointed out the impossibility of an everlasting growth. Thus, in the current state of the planet, political ecology necessarily contradicts the consumerist model of society which is supported only by growth.
What's the relationship with libido ecology? Find the answer in the FAQ.

Network from Québec for voluntary simplicity To get rid of the gadgets imposed by consumerism
Institute of economic and social surveys for the sustainable decrease An indefinite growth is impossible on a finite planet
The ecologist magazine Review on environment and globalization issues

Links towards associations for the protection of the environment.

Political psychoanalysis, by author *

* According to the political psychoanalysis, by Roger Dadoun, P.U.F., Paris, 1995.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Beyond his therapeutic practice, the founder of the psychoanalysis was very early interested in the cultural but also political issues (i.e. regarding the institution of the society and relationships of domination, power and association ), particularly by pointing out these stakes in "Mass psychology and the analyze of the ego" (1921), putting forward the devastations of sexual repression (in "the sexual life") and vigorously denouncing the alienating and degrading role of religions (in "the future of an illusion" (1927) and "Uneasiness in the civilization" (1930)).

Otto Gross (1877-1920)

Psychoanalysis is revolutionary - revolution must be psychoanalytical: such is the position of Gross, engaging on the prospect offered by the meeting of two movements of avant-garde in the beginning of the XXth century: a revolutionary psychoanalysis asserted by Freud and anarchism. The unconscious appears in the foreground of the political project of Gross: repression must be lifted, and sexuality, base and vital expression of the human condition, released. He reintroduces the woman, driven back by culture, as a dynamic agent in the fight for the political and sexual liberation: "the first and true revolution will join together Woman, Freedom and the Mind" he writes in 1913.

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)

See the FAQ for a short biography and bibliography.

 Orgonon: the Wilhelm Reich museum Foundation of the heirs to Wilhelm Reich
Public Orgonomic Research Exchange (PORE) One of many sites devoted to research on orgone: the cosmic vital energy "discovered" by Wilhelm Reich
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory same as above
Sven B. Schreiber's site : This site offers a large list of web sites related to Reich and orgon

Otto Fenichel (1897-1946)

Being interested in the links that could be establish between Marxism and psychoanalysis, Fenichel wrote during its exile in the United States a long series of Rundbriefe (circular-letter) intended for a very restricted circle.

Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

Adler was primarily concerned by the social aspects, the adaptability of the individual to the hard laws of society. He saw there a determining role for an education having to train a subject able to exert the plenitude of its potentialities and to affirm itself as a citizen conscious of his rights and mastering them.

Erich Fromm (1900-1980)

Approaching the varied topics of Marxism and religions, Fromm describes in "the fear of freedom" (1941) the condition of the modern man at grips with his sadomasochistic tendencies, being exerted in a favorable economic and social context. He also set lights, in its study on "the mission of Sigmund Freud" (1959), on the political and "religious" dimension of the work of Freud.

Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979)

The author of "Eros and civilization" and of "the one dimensional man" (1964) analyzes the technological capitalist society and its capacity to assimilate both opposition and the instinctual impulses. He connects the political and social structures with the psychic structure which monopolize the libido in order to subject it to the "principle of output", in particular by concentrating it exclusively in the genital zone.

Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) and Felix Guattari (1930-1992)

Being interested in schizophrenia and paranoia rather than in the neuroses, Deleuze and Guattari ("Capitalism and schizophrenia" (1972-1980)) analyze the mechanics of power and track ordinary Fascism sometimes even present within the antifascists organizations. They oppose to it the horizontality of networks in a libertarian point of view.


Sex education

Largely going beyond the framework of information on contraception and on protection against sexually transmitted diseases (dispensed at college and by institutions), a true sex education still remains to be invented. See the FAQ.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)   Association receiving the families and dispensing some rudiments of sex education and educating them on birth control (international)

Alternative education

There are some attempts, in the private sector of education, to implement forms of schooling founded on a greater autonomy of the pupil and on a pedagogy more adapted to his blooming and to the development of his creativity. See the FAQ.

A.S. Neill's Summerhill school The school of Summerhill in Britain
Bonaventure A libertarian school in France
Freinet Movement Association promoting the pedagogy developed by Freinet
Montessori in France Education according to the pedagogy developed by Montessori. School and center of formation, nursery school, primary education, and college
The education revolution Site devoted to alternative educations
IDEN Network of the alternative education

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International Movement for a Libido Ecology (M.I.E.L.) - - Lastest update 23.02.2018